Information on dimensionTenure typeTotal
Information on dimensionYear1994199519961997199820012004
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RatioInformation on dimension
Greater than 50%78,600101,60098,200110,500116,600119,500117,100
Greater than 40% and less than or equal to 50%62,60076,10071,10077,40071,30078,60071,100
Greater than 30% and less than or equal to 40%130,600113,400131,000133,500132,100146,900135,400
Greater than 25% and less than or equal to 30%93,40088,100103,000100,20093,500114,300125,000
Less than or equal to 25%864,500873,500869,200860,800890,200965,6001,031,000
Not specified8,6007,6009,60013,8008,1007,20014,900
Data extracted on 08 Sep 2024 05:40 UTC (GMT) from NZ.Stat


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